Lack of Safe Water Supply

Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Absent, inadequate, or inappropriately managed water and sanitation services expose individuals to preventable health risks. When water comes from improved and more accessible sources, people spend less time and effort in collecting it, meaning they can be productive in other ways. It can also result in greater personal safety by reducing the need to make long or risky journeys to collect water. Better water sources also mean less expenditure on health, as people are less likely to fall ill and incur medical costs, and are better able to remain economically productive.
To increase the percentage of households having access to safe water in Barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur from 1.20% to 100%.
Water Source:
Deep well 1.20%
Spring 98.80%
No source of water passed microbiological testing
High cases of water borne related cases
63.40% of the households does not practice any water sterilization method
Specific objectives:
1. To create a low risk water sources in Barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete
2. To increase the knowledge of residents of Barangay Bag-ongDalaguete on different
water purification methods.
3. To increase the number of households practicing water purification methods

Accomplishments and Updates

Update as of 2020

No of households practicing different water purification method
Specific objective 1: To create a low risk water sources in Barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete
"Coordination with Local officials for identification of water sources in the community"
When we started our journey in barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete, we found out that almost all of the people does not have a safe source of water. People only get their water from a shallow spring beside a stream. These sources are just left open and can easily be contaminated by the dirty water from the stream and also from the feces of domestic animals. The water that are being taken from these sources are used for drinking and for domestic use like cooking and washing dishes.

We also noted that there is a high prevalence of water-borne gastrointestinal diseases in the community.
As part of our intervention, we first conducted a site inspection with the barangay officials of all the shallow spring in the barangay to evaluate if these sources are qualified for improvement to provide the people safe and potable water. We have identified 13 Tabays (shallow spring) and 1 deep well in all 5 puroks in the barangay. however not even one of these shallow spring is qualified for conversion or protection basing the standards of Healthy Villages of the World Health Organization.
Another intervention to know if the water from their source is potable for human consumption is to conduct a water analysis. We got a water sample randomly from each purok and sent the samples in Oroqieta Municipal hospital for water analysis. The result showed that all samples from the shallow spring in all the purok failed the test which means that these waters are not safe for drinking and probably the cause of the gastrointestinal diseases that the people are suffering.

Since the sources that we identified are not qualified for protection and conversion, the group decided to look for alternative source of water that is accepted and within the standard of the WHO and can cater to the people even in summer. We coordinated with the Municipal engineer Greg Pepito to follow-up the construction of the Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig program of the Municipal government for barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete.

"Water Analysis"
"Lobby to Local Government Unit for full operation of Water reservoir"

"Collaboration with the Barangay Council and LGU for the acquisition of Hand Pumps"
Since most of the shallow spring gets dry during this summer season. . We have consulted with different stakeholder and the people regarding this problem and everyone agreed to build a deep well for a stable source of water in the area. This kind of source will also be protected to comply with the standards set by WHO and can provide the people with clean and safe water even in dry season. Series of purok meetings were conducted to plan with the people regarding the construction of the deepwell.

It was agreed that the community people will dig the hole together. Donations from other people and establishments were used to fund the daily needs of the people who tirelessly work for them to have a safe source of water. An expert advice regarding the safety of the worker was sought through the engineering department and waterways department of the municipality. As a result, representatives constantly monitors the progress of the construction. With the help also of the barangay official headed by barangay captain Hon. Alberto Montemor, we were able to secure 2 Jetmatic handpump. Hon. Manuel Saladaga, the Municipal mayor of Mahayag also supported the project through his donation of sand, cements and PVC pipes.

Another way of making water safe for drinking is through the use of different water purification methods. Different water purification methods were introduced in barangay Bag-ong dalaguete. It includes filtering, boiling and the use of Solar disinfection method (SODIS).
Series of health education on the proper procedure of these purification methods. The group also conducted a house-to-house return demonstration with corrective feedback to enhance the learning of the people in the proper conduct of chosen water purification method of the family.

Specific objective 2: To increase the knowledge of residents of Barangay Bag-ongDalaguete on different water purification methods.
"Health Education: “Tubig nga Limpiyo para sa mahimsog nga tao”

"SODIS (Solar Disinfection) Station"
SODIS or Solar Water Disinfection is a simple water treatment technology that can be used at household level. "As a point-of-use water purification method, SODIS improves the microbiological quality of drinking water with solar radiation at almost zero investment and maintenance costs."
After the construction of SODIS station, Lecture on what is SODIS method, how it is done and its importance as a water purification method was also conducted. The community have also started to construct a shared SODIS station per household & purok in the community.
"IEC Materials"
Instructional and educational materials on SODIS and water borne diseases were also distributed and given to each households.

"Educate the Children"
Lecture with demonstration was conducted in Elementary school on what is SODIS method, how it is done and its importance as a water purification method.

"Our Community Bayanihan Journey: Deep-Well Construction"
Water is unquestionably vital to life. All living things need water to survive. Apart from drinking it, we also need it for our daily living such as cooking, bathing, sanitation of our environment. It is also essential for the survival and growth of farm crops which is one of the major source of income of our community residents here in Dalaguete.
Last January 19, 2020, the medical students in Barangay Bag-Ong Dalaguete had conducted a meeting at each Purok with its leaders and members regarding the construction of deep well.

In barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete, municipality of Mahayag. People from purok 3 and purok 5 are the two remaining puroks with no access to SALIN TUBIG water reservoir and are struggling to travel a long distance just to fetch clean water. This is the reason why we strive to help the people in these two remaining puroks to have their own source of water.
First few days of digging ...
With the help of the local officials headed by Hon. Mayor Engr. Manuel T. Saladaga, who donated cements, sands and PVC pipes. Barangay officials headed by Hon. Alberto Montemor, for the 2 hand pumps, additional manpower and with the cooperation of the community people, we were able to commence the construction of 2 deepwells.

The reality and how we overcome it through bayanihan

"Our Community Bayanihan Journey: Deep-Well Construction"
Under the scorching heat of the sun, the community continuously supports each other in our on-going deep well construction in Purok 3 & 5. The men work tirelessly while the women of our community help one another to prepare and support the needs of the community.
Hand in hand, we are slowly reaching our goal!
With the community bayanihan, we are overwhelmed with the support we received from the people. The community helped us raise budget for additional materials and food / snacks budget for our very hardworking people who worked together for the realization of our deep well. Our community, with the help of the people was able to raise more than 20,000PHP through solicitation in cash or in kind (food supplies for the workers) in Mahayag.
Preparing for meryenda!
Convo with resident:
Me: Sir, pahuway sa. Ganiha pa ka nagkalot dira.
Sir: Okay ra ko ma’am. Magtrabaho gud ko kay kinahanglan mi tubig diri. Kani lng gud ang mahatag nako ug mabilin nako sa akoang mga anak.
To ensure the safety of the people, we coordinated with the Municipal Engineerings office and MDRRMO to help us strategize and help secure the safety of our people - - since this is our primary priority. The team of Engr. Pepito visited the construction site, and afterwards helped us place safety fences and ladders for our community deepwell area. People were also given lecture and advices for observing proper safety measures.
On the safety measures
Lunch break after the whole morning work
After the long hours of working under the sun, we took a break and ate our sumptuous mongo and native chicken for lunch.

We took a rest for a while and then we got back to work!

"...Almost there"
Before we went back to Zamboanga for our research update, both 2 deepwells already started to have water. Here are some clips of the fruit of our community bayanihan. We will continue to improve and strive to develop this water source to an acceptable and safer standards.
Purok 5
Look at how happy the people of Dalaguete for having water for the first time in the farthest purok of our community.