The Grand Assembly most commonly known as the "Grand Day" is one of the most awaited events conducted by medical students in the community for Barangay Bag-Ong Dalaguete.
Barangay Bag-Ong Dalaguete is consisted of only 97 households that when a news is out, it spreads so quickly. The Grand Assembly is a big event that the people wait for every community exposure. It serves as an avenue for health problem discussion, blood pressure taking and monitoring, and entertainment. It's a chance for them to laugh, play and learn, a momentary escape of entertainment from their everyday routine of working and living.
Group photo with our Dalaguete Family

Kalingawan with our Dalaguete Family:
(Paint me a picture)

Who do you think won on this game?

Impromptu Mr. Dalaguete 2018: The representatives of each Purok.

Blood Pressure taking for our nanays and tatays & Height/weight/MUAC for kids!

Upon registration, the medical students assisted the people for Height&Weight and BP taking. All ears were lent and people are actively participating during the discussion and presentation of the Top 6 Diagnosed Community Health Problems.
The rest of the afternoon were filled with smiles and laughter because of the activities, games, and "kalingawan" prepared for the community.
he people anticipate for the next assembly.