In terms of medical health facility, Bag-ong Dalaguete has one (1) midwife who is a Local Government Unit employee and she is assigned to monitor the health and nutrition status of the residents particularly the children. The assigned midwife caters four other barangays and is scheduled to visit every second Tuesday of the month. Aside from the midwife, the barangay has also one (1) barangay health worker, who monitors and tracks pregnant women in the barangay. There is also one (1) barangay nutrition scholar who assists the midwife in health services. However, there is no existing barangay health station in the area. Bag-ong Dalaguete has one (1) midwife who is a Local Government Unit employee and she is assigned to monitor the health and nutrition status of the residents particularly the children. The assigned midwife caters four other barangays and is scheduled to visit every second Tuesday of the month. Aside from the midwife, the barangay has also one (1) barangay health worker, who monitors and tracks pregnant women in the barangay. There is also one (1) barangay nutrition scholar who assists the midwife in health services. However, there is no existing barangay health station in the area. Bag-ong Dalaguete has one (1) midwife who is a Local Government Unit employee and she is assigned to monitor the health and nutrition status of the residents particularly the children. The assigned midwife caters four other barangays and is scheduled to visit every second Tuesday of the month. Aside from the midwife, the barangay has also one (1) barangay health worker, who monitors and tracks pregnant women in the barangay. There is also one (1) barangay nutrition scholar who assists the midwife in health services. However, there is no existing barangay health station in the area. Bag-ong Dalaguete has one (1) midwife who is a Local Government Unit employee and she is assigned to monitor the health and nutrition status of the residents particularly the children. The assigned midwife caters four other barangays and is scheduled to visit every second Tuesday of the month. Aside from the midwife, the barangay has also one (1) barangay health worker, who monitors and tracks pregnant women in the barangay. There is also one (1) barangay nutrition scholar who assists the midwife in health services. However, there is no existing barangay health station in the area.
Health seeking behavior was assessed through house to house:

The barangay health station is a basic, first hand health care facility. In the grassroot level, it can cater vital health services to the community. It has numerous purpose, serving different populations. From immunizations, prenatal care, monitoring of morbidity, to serving as part of the referral system, the barangay health station is an important part of establishing a healthy community.
Health services in Barangay Bag-ong Dalaguete is given once a month by a midwife who is assigned in the rural health unit. Services such as immunization, prenatal care, distribution of family planning paraphernalia, as well as monitoring of medical cases like hypertension and diabetes are done. This was done in the multi-purpose hall near barangay hall on purok 2. Availability of the people in the community is a struggle, since the time given for the health service is only once a month. Some residents miss the day of check-up since it is scheduled only once a month, some may have conflicting schedules.
Three important aspects will be the center of this problem: the physical structure, the skills of the health personnel, and availability of medical equipment. Firstly, a structure must be built for a barangay health station to function. The construction will be in coordination with Engr. Gregorio Pepito, the MDP head, and other government agencies.
Second, the health personnel must be empowered and structured for a formal and functioning health station. Lectures will be done and evaluations to determine their learnings and skills. Roles of the BHWs will be rehashed. Skills are patterned from the services that will be given, and these services are based on the DOH programs as well as from the services given by the RHU.
Third, procurement of the equipment for the barangay health station will be done by coordinating with the municipal health officer, rural health unit, department of health, and other benefactors.
General Objective: To establish a barangay health station in Bag-ong Dalaguete, Mahayag, Zamboanga Del Sur by 2021
Objective Cues: No physical structure of a barangay health station, 19% among all interviewed residents do not utilize health services given in the barangay
Specific objective No. 1: To put up a structure for the barangay health station
Strategies include:
- Assess health seeking behavior through house-to-house survey and general assembly (identification and prioritization of problems)
- Communicate with government and non-government organizations to aid in the construction of the barangay health station
- Establish “DOHC” (Dalaguete Operation Health Center) core group among the members of Bag-ong Dalaguete to oversee the project
Specific Objective 2: Establish the functionality of the BHS’ human resources
Objective Cue: Health care system of the barangay is poorly established, 48% among all interviewed residents goes to a non-medical related personnel (barangay captain) if there are problems regarding health.
Strategies include:
- Identify roles of the different personnel who will be working in the barangay health station
- Conduct trainings for the BHW and the BHS: Programang KKK (Kalusugan ay Kailangang Kahalagahan): maternal and child care, reproductive health, and BLS
Specific Objective 3: Operationalize BHS in terms of equipment and supplies
Objective Cues: Accompanying no structure of BHS entails no equipment as well
Strategies include:
- Communicate with government and non-government organization for additional funding
- Coordinate with RHU for procurement of medical supplies and medicines
- Encourage “DOHC” core group to conduct fundraising activities
- Pattern health records with RHU
- Inquire with DOH for posters and instructional materials