Another fun-filled get together with the people of Bag-Ong Dalaguete was spearheaded by the Team of Medical Students. The event took place at the Barangay's Barrio Hall wherein one of the guest speaker is the Municipal Vice-Mayor of Mahayag, Hon. Camila Diaz.
The activity include Mass BP taking, lectures and updates on Hypertension, Solid Waste Management, Malnutrition, Unsafe Drinking Water and Lack of Sanitary Toilet Facility. The Get together also had a fun filled sharing, games, and showcasing of talents. But in the middle of fun, the messages from the community people touched our hearts.
"Mingaw na pud mi kung muuli mu mga student doctors, mingawun gyud mi ninyu mga ma'am and sir" (It would be lonely again without you, student doctors, we will really miss you)
We started with a mission to build a better Bag-Ong Dalaguete, and on the process of fulfilling our purpose, we found a family in the community.
And together we are STRONGER!